NPCC offers Zoom class on crime scene investigation

Crime Scene Investigation
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Crime Scene Investigation will be the topic of a new Zoom class offered through the Business and Community Education department at North Platte Community College.

The instructor is Lynne Dean, a forensic consultant, who spent 35 years as a latent fingerprint examiner for the King County Sheriff's Office in Seattle, Wash. 

The Green River Killer was one of the first homicide cases she assisted with. Altogether, Dean has collected evidence at over 1,000 crime scenes. 

During the NPCC class, Dean will show photos of and discuss the many cases she has worked. Students will also get a look at the inside of a forensic fingerprint laboratory.

Dean's goal is to convey the importance of forensic evidence - particularly fingerprints. Everything from staged and famous crime scenes to robberies and homicides will be addressed. 

Because of the graphic nature of some of the content presented, the class is limited to those 18 and older. 

There are two sessions to choose from: 6-9 p.m. April 15 or 1-4 p.m. May 2. 

The cost is $29. Registration can be done online at, by emailing or by calling (308) 535-3678.