Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

We are dedicated to promoting a clean air environment at every MPCC campus location.

In 2010, MPCC took a brave step and became the first public post-secondary institution in Nebraska to enact a policy declaring that all our college campuses would be entirely tobacco-free. The policy states Mid-Plains Community College prohibits the use of all tobacco products (including electronic cigarettes) on all MPCC owned or leased property, including residence halls and vehicles.


Mid-Plains Community College endorses a Tobacco-Free College for the following reasons:

  • To further the mission of the college by providing education on the benefits of a tobacco-free environment
  • To promote health and wellness by assuring clean air as an overall benefit for all who visit the College, including students, employees, and guests
  • To promote aesthetics by improving the visual appearance of the College
  • To provide a consistent message prohibiting the use of all tobacco products on all MPCC owned or leased property, including residence halls and vehicles

Tobacco-Free Policy FAQs:

No. Edges of parking lots are adjacent to fields and grasslands in some instances. Along with fire danger and litter issues, these are also owned by the college. All property of MPCC is tobacco-free.

No. MPCC Board of Governors policy 7300 was expanded to include the prohibited use of electronic cigarettes.

No. Although city ordinances can outline true "ownership" of sidewalk easements differently, all sidewalks and bike trails adjacent to and running through college property are maintained and cared for by college personnel. Promoting aesthetics and visual appearance of college property includes limiting tobacco use on these adjoining areas of college property.

Yes. Possession of tobacco products is not prohibited while on college property, as long as legal age of possession is also being followed. The college promotes health and wellness therefore use of the products while on campus is not allowed in support of this educational message.

No. Assuring clean air for all who visit the college is not possible if secondhand smoke is released from vehicle windows and doors. ADA protection of those with disabilities and protection of pregnant women’s exposure to tobacco smoke is not possible when used within personal vehicles while in college parking areas.

Students residing in residence halls are subject to rules and sanctions as outlined within the residence hall handbook. At this time others are not assessed a financial penalty for non-compliance. The college promotes a self-enforcement approach to this policy. Creating an environment where respectful compliance is used as a guide allows students, staff, and guests to politely work together and hold accountability to this and any policy. Repeat offenses could lead to further disciplinary action.

Visit for more information and resources:

Nebraska Tobacco Quitline

Tobacco Free Nebraska

National Spit Tobacco Education Program (NSTEP)

Tobacco-Free Lincoln County