Rockin’ the Choir returns to NPCC

Rockin’ the Choir will make a comeback at North Platte Community College April 1.
It’s the second year for the event, during which, community members are invited to join NPCC students and employees in learning two songs that they will sing together in an open to the public performance. No previous singing experience is necessary.
Participants will be accompanied by Kearney-based Blue Plate Special. The band plays songs from the 1940s to the 21st century.
“Rockin’ the Choir is such a fun musical experience,” said Kristin Simpson, music instructor. “I love how it brings together music lovers of all types. Everyone involved is excited to bring back the event, and we have great new music to sing. All talent is welcome.”
The selections for this year are Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” and “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys.
Rehearsals to learn the lyrics and timing of the music will begin at 5 p.m. in the McDonald-Belton Gym on the NPCC South Campus. The free performance will take place at approximately 6 p.m.
Rockin’ the Choir is being organized by NPCC’s chapter of the National Association for Music Education. NAfME supports music educators and advocates for equitable access to music education. The association encourages all people to be heard, seen and gain a feeling of belonging through music.
Free refreshments will be available at the event. NAfME also plans to sell t-shirts as a club fundraiser for $15 each.